PingPong Status

This is the status page of PingPong service. Here you can see how the service is performing.

We continuously monitor the status of PingPong and all its related services to ensure a stable service. If there are any interruptions to our service we will post updates here.

Past incidents

Nov, 2023
Oct, 2023
Sep, 2023
  1. Nov, 2023

    1. Started:
      We have been notified by our e-mail provider that they are experiencing issues with sending e-mails, a small portion of e-mails are not being sent. We are monitoring the situation closely together with our e-mail provider and will provide updates here as we receive them.


      The issue is resolved.
  2. Oct, 2023

    1. Service interruptionClient areaStatus pages
      Our monitoring shows that some European customers are affected by parts of the service not responding. We are investigating the issue.


      The issue appears to have been caused by an partial internal network failure within AWS region. The issue is resolved.
  3. Sep, 2023

    All systems operational.