PingPong Статус

This is the status page of PingPong service. Here you can see how the service is performing.

We continuously monitor the status of PingPong and all its related services to ensure a stable service. If there are any interruptions to our service we will post updates here.

Предыдущие инциденты

Июн, 2022
Май, 2022
Апр, 2022
  1. Июн, 2022

    Все системы работают.

  2. Май, 2022

    Все системы работают.

  3. Апр, 2022

    1. Missing metric graph dataClient areaStatus pages
      Some customers are affected by missing graph data in admin and status page. Custom metrics API endpoint is unresponsive. We are looking into the issue.


      The issue is resolved. Our engineering team is creating a solution to mitigate similar future events.